Solar Energy increase in the world


Data from European Photovoltaic Industry Association shows higher increase of the photovoltaic industry in the world, than predicted. The increase shifted from Europe to Asia and North America in 2013.

There were in total 38,4 GW capacity installed worldwide in 2013.

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Newly installed photovoltaic capacity (in GW) in different region (source EPIA)


Based on the preliminary data China was far the biggest market for photovoltaic with 11,8 GW newly installed capacity.

Germany continued to be the leader in photovoltaic installation, however the market declined to 3,3 GW.

Romania was the best performer in the region, with its 1,1 GW newly installed photovoltaics.

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Installed photovoltaic capacity (in GW) in different region (source EPIA)


The most popular renewable energy installed was the wind and the photovoltaic took the second place. The renewable capacity installations are still showing high interest among the investors while the installation of conventional energy sources seem to decrease.

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New energy source installations in 2013 (in MW) (source EPIA)