Poland: New RES draft published

The draft law suggests significant changes the existing regulation.
The big losers are solar and residential investors. Feed-in-Tariffs for solar projects of up to 10 kWp of capacity are not existing anymore and solar projects are only allowed on a small scale. Biogas, biomass and dedicated co-firing projects are the big winners of the draft. Therefore, the amendments also alter the set-up of the auction buckets, which are now much more technology-specific and give preference to utilities and renewable technologies that can deliver base-load power.
Already existing installations under the green certificate scheme will no longer be allowed to switch to the auctions, dampening owners’ hopes for a revenue revival as certificate prices continue to be depressed.
Poland’s RES industry is anxiously expecting the publication of the details for the first auction, while the government aims to get the law out before end of June 2016.
All of this means that the industry is facing more months of uncertainty and possibly years of weak growth.