Romania reduces green energy quota

On March 26, 2014, the government decided to modify the regulation 220/2008 and reduced the annual quota of 15 % set for 2013 to 11,1% of gross power consumption. Romania capped the amount of renewable energy that large industrial consumers must buy in 2014 according to Government Decision published by the Official Gazette of Romania 223/28.III.2014. „The quote will be reduced from 15 percent due to reasons of affordability from end-consumers, both industrial and household consumers, as well as for the sustainability of the system, given the need for balance in the energy sector”, said Emil Calota, vice president of the National Authority for Energy Regulation (ANRE)The Government’s revision comes after repeated warnings from the consumers that high power and gas prices could lead to production cuts, layoffs and even plant relocations. The new measures helps the consumers offset their energy costs, but on the other hand create uncertainity for investors.
Xénia Bernát